Sunday, September 16, 2012


Cougar Family we are about to get busy!  There is so much that we have going on and we want to make sure that you are all aware and we want you to be a part.

Parents always remember that your student should have homework assignments for every class written in their SWOOSH notebook (AGENDA/PLANNER).  If your child says they do not have any homework on a continual basis, you should be concerned.  Band students have an assignment each night and many other teachers have nightly assignments especially during the week.

1. We will be doing our first practice chart check.  All students have a practice chart in the band handbook given to them on the first day of school.  In it they should record their amount of time they practice each night and they must have a parent signature to confirm the amount of practice.  

2. We will check for materials more closely.  Students should have all materials from the Supply List this week.  Brass instrument should have oil ($4) for their instrument.  Clarinets and Saxophones should have 5 good reeds ($2 Clarinet, $2.50 Alto Sax, $3 Bass Clarinet, $3 Tenor Sax) at all times.  If there are any concerns, our problems getting an item, please contact Mr. Wilson.

3. We will be ordering our band shirts ($17) on September 28.  Make checks payable to York Chester Middle School Band.  Please be advised the shirts are all adult sizes.  These are the embroidered polo shirts that we will use for performances.

4. Parents you will also notice that your student has assignments on Edmodo.  Whether you have internet at home or not students have their own Edmodo account.  We use it to give tests, polls, for reflection on assignments and a million other things.  It looks similar to Facebook, but it is 100% NOT FACEBOOK.  Students messages are to the whole class as we work on assignments and only members of our class are in Edmodo.  Students can not invite other people and there is not messaging each other.  I control all access to the class page and I can see who writes everything and I can delete any message.  

Well Cougars, here we go on another action paced week.  Have a GREAT WEEK! GO COUGARS!

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