Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Cougars are rolling again! We are so proud of NEW Jazz Messengers members Joseph A. and Raven O. and former jazz band member Corinthia F. who played for an event this weekend for Secretary of State Elaine Marshall. These 2 students did a great job and received many compliments from all in attendance.Looking for another great year from the Jazz Messengers.

I am very happy with the start of the school year we have had. Parents I do need your help with a couple of items.  Please, make sure your student is bringing their instrument daily, which is part of their daily grade.  Also, make sure your student takes their instrument home each night and practices (10 Minutes a night for 6th Grade and 20 Minutes a night for 7th & 8th Grade). Students are supposed to record their practice time on their practice chart that was in the band handbook they received at the beginning of the year. I will check the charts periodically as part of the homework grade.

I want to remind everyone to secure the book for their instrument as soon as possible, because we have already begun using them in class.  If your student bring me the money I can get the book if getting to the music store is a problem.  6th Grade needs Measures of Success Book 1 $9 immediately.  They will need Foundations for Superior Performance $7, later in the year.  7th Grade should already have Measures of Success Book 1 $9 and they will also use Foundations for Superior Performance $7. 8th Grade is using the Foundations for Superior Performance $7. Baritones players will need to secure their own personal mouthpiece and clarinet and saxes need 5 good reeds at all times.

This is an exciting week coming up as we introduce BAND KARATE! Before you get really concerned, let me explain. This is an incentive program where as students complete specific band assignments, they will be awarded colored belts. This is a partial fulfillment of the 9 weeks assignments. Only students who complete the belt program for each 9 weeks will qualify for and "A" for that 9 weeks. This is a fun way to award the excellence that so many students display. Students will receive a list of assignments for the Band Karate Program on Monday.

The jazz band will rehearse tomorrow after school until 4:30pm, and the pep band will practice Tuesday after school until 4:30pm.  The pepe band will be playing at this Wednesday's home football game

BAND NIGHT OUT is this Friday, October 5th at Hunter Huss. 7th & 8th Grade Band students will play along side the Hunter Huss Band in the stands.  Students will get into the game free and they will be given snacks during the 3rd quarter. It will be a fun night to let our Cougars experience a little of what it will be like to play in the high school band. Students will receive further information to take home tomorrow.

Cougar Band family, thank you for all that you do.  You are a great group to work with and I look forward to great things all year long. GO COUGARS!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Cougar Family we have officially kicked off our Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration.  We are learning more about hispanic culture in particular music styles such as: Merengue, Mariachi, and of course Salsa to name a few.  Students have learned about the lives of Celia Cruz vocalist, Gloria Estefan vocalist, and Marc Anthony Vocalist. We celebrate our diversity at York Chester and the contributions of Latino Americans. 

Coming up this week each grade level will have assignments that, as usual, should be placed in their SWOOSH notebooks.  Take note of what you child's band is working on and make sure they work on it at home nightly.

6th Grade Beginning Band
Fantastic start to the year beginners! Parents, now we need your help.  Your student needs to have the book and supplies for their instrument.  See Supply List.  

Thanks in advance parents.  Beginners are working on their first note which in their book Measures of Success is listed as 1.1.  They should practice each night and use good posture and work to achieve a good tone on their instrument. We have a band Youtube page, Cougar Band Youtube page, that you as parents and your student can use that demonstrate proper instrument care, hand position, etc. Students will have 2 worksheets per week to finish that deal with, musical literacy.

7th Grade Intermediate Band
I am excited about this new 7th grade band.  Parents make sure your student is practicing every night and placing the time of practice in their Practice Chart.  We had our Practice Chart check and apparently several parents have not seen the chart.  It is located in the Band Handbook.  Students assignments this week include the Ab & F Major Scales on page 43 in the Foundations book or page 50 in the Measures of Success book. Students are also working on Twinkle Little Star of Rhythms, where they play a version of the nursery rhyme that has changes in the rhythms.  There are also 2 worksheets per week that all the students are responsible for finishing.

8th Grade Advanced Band
We always have a great group of top musicians at York Chester, and this year is no different. Chris T has been knocking out our rhythm challenges and we have more to come. 8th Grade is getting ready for some scale assessments this week, Eb Major, Ab Major, and Bb Chromatic.  These are along with the Twinkle Little Star of Rhythms B and C lines. Students should be practicing each night and placing the amount of time they practice in their Practice Chart, which can be found in their Band Handbook. I will check Practice Charts occasionally, dates on the Practice Chart. This past week was a check week and I noticed some parents had not seen the charts.  Please make sure your student uses them nightly.  

We are starting Jazz Band practices this week, Monday and Wednesday, and Pep Band Practices, Tuesday.  Pep band is open to all students.  All of these rehearsals will take place 3:15-4:30 after school and students will need a ride waiting after practice in order to participate, unless they walk home.

Parents thank you for keeping your students motivated and practicing. As an educator we depend on you to help make the connection between what we do at school and the reinforcement that takes place at home. We appreciate all you do. GO COUGARS!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Cougar Family we are about to get busy!  There is so much that we have going on and we want to make sure that you are all aware and we want you to be a part.

Parents always remember that your student should have homework assignments for every class written in their SWOOSH notebook (AGENDA/PLANNER).  If your child says they do not have any homework on a continual basis, you should be concerned.  Band students have an assignment each night and many other teachers have nightly assignments especially during the week.

1. We will be doing our first practice chart check.  All students have a practice chart in the band handbook given to them on the first day of school.  In it they should record their amount of time they practice each night and they must have a parent signature to confirm the amount of practice.  

2. We will check for materials more closely.  Students should have all materials from the Supply List this week.  Brass instrument should have oil ($4) for their instrument.  Clarinets and Saxophones should have 5 good reeds ($2 Clarinet, $2.50 Alto Sax, $3 Bass Clarinet, $3 Tenor Sax) at all times.  If there are any concerns, our problems getting an item, please contact Mr. Wilson.

3. We will be ordering our band shirts ($17) on September 28.  Make checks payable to York Chester Middle School Band.  Please be advised the shirts are all adult sizes.  These are the embroidered polo shirts that we will use for performances.

4. Parents you will also notice that your student has assignments on Edmodo.  Whether you have internet at home or not students have their own Edmodo account.  We use it to give tests, polls, for reflection on assignments and a million other things.  It looks similar to Facebook, but it is 100% NOT FACEBOOK.  Students messages are to the whole class as we work on assignments and only members of our class are in Edmodo.  Students can not invite other people and there is not messaging each other.  I control all access to the class page and I can see who writes everything and I can delete any message.  

Well Cougars, here we go on another action paced week.  Have a GREAT WEEK! GO COUGARS!

Friday, September 7, 2012

First 9 Days in the Books

We have had a SMASHING start to a new school year, in the COUGAR BAND.  We have title the first several days as our W.O.W. or Week of Welcome!  York Chester looks great our students have come back ready to roll.  There are a lot of new things going in the YC Cougar Band.

First, the band is a part of the Gaston County Schools iPad Pilot Program.  The Apple iPad is a fantastic tool to make learning more fun and to make learning more interactive.  The iPad is on the cutting edge of technology and learning today and we have them in the Cougar Band.  WOW!

Secondly, we have arranged our classrooms to make students the center of the action.  Students are being grouped into pods of collaborative learners, because we know that working with other students is a better way of preparing our students for a 21st Century work environment. Like the old saying says "two heads are better than one".

In the band we have been very busy.  The first few days we did our Peer to Peer interview project.  We  used this as a way to learn more about one another and to use 21st Century Technology literacies.  We have also been working on our Bb Scale in 7th & 8th Grade.

We are now in the process of playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star of Rhythms with 7th & 8th Grade, which is our first playing test.  Our 6th Grade band students are learning how to read music using resources like 6th Grade has also begun to produce their first sounds on their instruments.

Yes, it is really exciting!  Check out our band website COUGAR BAND.  It has all current information for our band family.  Students should have their blue band form from the band handbook and yellow google form turned in.  If they still have these forms, please ask them to bring them Monday.  I will send out information in several ways: email, blog, tweet (@ycbluesgroove or #yccougarband), calls, and hardcopy. Our band youtube page has videos that students will use as part of their lessons We also have created Edmodo accounts for students to assess lessons and interact to work through problems.

Great things are going on in the Cougar Band.  Get on board with everything we have going.  Come be a part of the family.  GO COUGARS!