Reminding teachers to start with their Content Standard, which is where most teachers find the most comfort, is the most important thing. I have found myself so excited about a piece of technology that I have tried to shape lessons around that device. We should rather start with the standard and integrate technology that makes teaching that standard most effective. The Venn diagram for the TPACK model, demonstrated this very clearly. TPACK is a useful tool for wading through all of the technology and getting to the Core of what I want my students to be able to do. I am excited about the process and trying to make what I do in my class more and more seamless, when it comes to technology integration.
I saw some great potential in the Apptivity piece today. The students have much of the responsibility by way of choosing which tool to use, design, collaboration, evaluating data, etc. The process leads students to use higher order thinking skills along with several 21st Century technology skills.
I think that we naturally will improve the quality of teaching that goes on in the classroom as teachers begin to use some of the tools available through mobile apps or various other web 2.0 technologies that engage students at a high level.